Skincare routine for dry, sensitive and red skin

There’s a very real chance that this post is the billionth post online about skincare, but here we go anyway!

I used to feel smug about how easy my skin was to take care of. All I had to do was half-heartedly rub my makeup off with a single face wipe and ta da! Good skin. As I’ve got older it seems my skin has decided it’s going to be a bit more difficult. I have red, patchy lower cheeks, and get relatively regular, painful spots on my chin and forehead. For a long time I just accepted that it was hormonal and that there was nothing I could really do about it. How wrong I was.

Instead of accepting that I had bad skin, I got off my lazy ass and found products that reduced my facial redness significantly and reduced how regularly I got spots. I am not a wealthy woman, so I mainly use high street products from Boots, Superdrug, Tesco, and there’s no shame in that. As much as I love the look of the Liz Earle products, I’m a poor lil student right now!


I absolutely love this moisturiser. On first appearances it’s not the cheapest product in the world. But boy is it worth it! It also lasts a really long time. I only have to buy it twice a year. £30 a year for soft, clear skin? I’ll take it. It definitely reduces the small pimples I get on my lower cheeks that seem to persist even after exfoliation. Plus, it smells amazing.


I got this product for my birthday, and at first glance I had no idea what is what mean’t to really… do. All I saw was two long, confusing words, but it had some really positive reviews. I tried to for myself and I agreed – the vitamin C brightens your skin. I don’t use this every day, but I apply it every few days to make my skin glow a bit!


When spots start to rear their ugly heads, this product is my saviour. I just apply some of this to the effected area, and the next day the spot appears less red and angry. I love any product with tea tree in it, it’s great for eliminating spots. Again, I don’t use this all the time, but it really helps fight off those horrid, throbbing spots that feel like they’ve got their own heartbeat.


This product is smothered on my face as I am writing this! I use this every 2-3 days, and again, it’s tea tree magic makes my skin feel completely wonderful. It peels off really easily, and as long as you apply some moisturiser after use, it doesn’t try out your skin. Also, it only costs £3.19! I adore the Boots Tea Tree and Witch Hazel range. I can’t get enough of it.


I get really horrid dry patches at the sides of nose, and after adding a layer of aqueous cream, it soothes the area a lot. I also use this on my arms and lower legs, as I have keratosis pilaris (tiny little red bumps on the arms and legs that don’t seem to go away). It’s a relatively common condition, but I’m very conscious of it. There’s no cure for it, but some products do reduce their appearance. A thin layer of this cream every couple of days really helps. This huge tub only cost me £3.59 and has lasted ages!


Last but by no means least is Bio-Oil. My mum introduced me to this stuff, and I am in love with it. I apply it to my whole body, and it reduces skin redness and makes my whole body feel beautifully smooth. It is absolutely brilliant for reducing the appearance of keratosis pilaris, and I apply a thin layer of the oil twice a day to my problem areas, and it seems to keep the redness at bay! Amazon sells it for around £13 for a 200ml bottle, which is such a bargain. You won’t regret buying this stuff!

Do you use any of these products? What do you think of them? Let me know in the comments!

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